25th Anniversary
1993 – 2018: A 25 years manufacturing course in the name of excellence.
This year we celebrate our 25th Anniversary! A manufacturing course of excellence characterized by dedication to research and development together with many productive, but also human, experiences. Thanks to a close team and a special consideration for the final customer.
In cohesion with our handcrafted spirit, we have put us to the best constantly evolving to take on technology challenge and being ahead of trends. Basically, as it was for ‘800 historical period: a century characterized by important and deep social, economic and cultural changes, a prelude to an incessant growth, peak of the present fourth industrial revolution. 2018 represents for us a step on the development of the brand: new ideas for living spaces and new styles where ‘showing influences’ is the key factor. A lot of news which we will discover together.
Stay tuned!